Turning Down or Turning Up.

How best to describe this week. It’s a week of people, of books and of literature. It’s
been a week that began today with my missing The Queen Gala Concert at The
Royal Festival Hall this evening. Alternatively it has been a week where I have found myself in tears in the morning writing the narration for a docu-drama called  The Lost Boys Of Africa for Radio Four.  I’ve been on it all day. But throughout the week I shall be waking at 5.30am and putting in a couple of hours writing  before the day starts.   There is no better way to start a day.  This play is the reason I couldn’t go to The Queens Gala Concert nor various other things this week.  The journalist sends me an email asking me to go to a  national screen awards.  I turn that down too.

But there was some wonderful news. The city of London have commissioned a piece of sculpture which will have a poem of mine inlaid into it. Today the ratification for the structure was passed by the planning committee. All building in The City of London must be passed by a group of men who wear wigs. I don’t understand the process myself but it is particular to The City.  The city is not unlike the Vatican. It has its own police force. It is the financial heart of Europe. The sculpture and poem will be laid into Fen Court by Fenchurch street station which will be unveiled next year. Watch this space. Or should I say watch that space. It’s another step in my Poems As Landmark’s sojourn. Shouldn’t I be turning up?

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