Old Times? At 9.30am I meet Fiona Renshaw at La Bouche a nice french cafe on Broadway market. We sit in the suna dn laugh. It’s probably about twelve years since we last saw each other and it turns out Fiona lives a few streets away. She got a massive
record deal and left Manchester back then. We catch up on old times and it’s a wonderful hour and half. I continue on to The regents canal adn to The Southbank centre where i spend he day at The Riverside Rooms.
By 6pm I am in Soho on D’arbly St at The Screening Rooms with The Journalist and two Eritrean friends to see Heart of Fire a film written from the original book by Senait G Mehari. Her book has caused a furore in the Eritrean community and so too the film which libled an Eritrean fighter who won damages against it. So I am guessing it has been re-edited and re-released. I get home for 9pm and read Lost in The Stars by Kurt Weill and then sleep. Life is good. Today is Gil Scott herons birthday. Happy Birthday Gil.