The Freeword Centre

I’ve been receiving comment spam on this blog from dubious far flung companies. My apologies  if you’ve had to read any. What’s been bamboozling  about the comment spam,   something I haven’t seen before,  is it’s specific references to the post.  From what I read online spam comment posters, real people from “far flung”  are employed to send out the comment spam.  

Nice phrase “ far flung.”  I was feeling slightly far flung  tonight when  taking part as panellist  in  a  debate “what value literature”  alongside  three   distinguished panellists:  Arts Council Director of Literature Srategy  Antonia Byatt , Chairman and chief Executive
of Penguin Group  John Makinson,  Poet In The City Chief executive Graham Henderson and  chaired by the Director for English PEN Jonathan Heawood . 

The event  took place in front of a packed audience  in  The Freeword Centre at 60 Farringdon road.  It’s a compliment to  Freeword   that the audience was at least as
interesting and qualified as the panel  proffering  stimulating comments and questions throughout.

Encouraging news from Makinson  announced tonight .  Penguin is re-establishing   the
 African writers
 series once made famous by Heinemann.  It’s an exciting development for African writing and  will be used to publish African writers in Africa. The series also  republishes much of the previous  Heinemann list but the new writing will be edited by Chinua Achebe.   Please correct me if I have misintepreted.

We debated value in  literature  and enjoyed  the audiences participation arriving at the inevitable discussion  about The internet.  This developed into a discussion about the entirely new way of accessing audience, of quality control. In fact each  department of publishing –  the writer,  the product, the copyright,   the market –     is brought into question by the internet age.  This place – the freeword centre – amazing.

1 thought on “The Freeword Centre

  1. I got to your page with the intention of, as you call it, spamming it. We, in this filed of work, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), call it link building. The company I work for is far from dubious, it's well known and respected by the SEO community for it's standards. There are many forms of link building, some quite condemnable such as bulk spam. We try to build links only on pages that have discussions for witch our links could be of help. We always make comments in direct relation to the article and never lace more than one link. I try to make documented posts by reading other articles and discussions.
    Don't think that all we do is bad for you and we are just trying to rip you off. In order for your page to rank well for Google searches, you need to update your content. Article related comments are the best way to do just that. They create new content for free. Other sites have to pay people to write new articles and comments to be able to update when needed. Also, I use a tool that allows me to see the word density of your page. The ones found the most on a page are the ones for with you are most relevant to Google searches. I try to implement those words in my comment thus making your page even more relevant.
    This is the way me and my colleagues build links for clients that don't want to make a bad name for themselves by having their site listed on a bulk spam message. Not all we do is bad and we don't want to offend anyone.
    Respectfully, Jonah Clint – Drupal web content management developer.

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