The Mercurial Talent of John Bramwell.

Stop. For three or four years I toured England with John Bramwell of I am Kloot and Henry Normal a poet and head of wildly successful film and TV production company Babycow productions. In the mid nineties Henry got it in his head to tour us three independent artists around England. We had a blast. Not as much sex drugs and rock and roll as a gig, a long drive and a Ginsters pasty at the service station – We loved it. Although I wish I'd known how much at the time.

Drinking. We have all continued and flourished in our respective fields: Henry in writing comedy TV and film, myself in literature and John in music. At the beginning of my residency at Southbank Centre – three years ago – Henry John and I performed at Southbank Centre. It was great. Henry is now the millionaire TV producer and John the Rock Star and so it was kinda cool. Tonight John is up for the Mercury Prize with his band I am Kloot who in earlier albums – they've made three in all – produced many of the songs that he performed solo on those tours. Genius does not depend on self destruction which is why self destruction steals as much of the publicity as it can.

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