I’ve moved. I’ve been in Zurich all week. It’s a beautiful city in Switzerland with a vintage necklace of snow tipped mountains. The lake of the city heats in summer. On a whirlwind tour of colleges I’ve given two lectures per day to students between 17 and 21 years. I’ve loved every single moment of every single event and have a picture like the one above from each.
Back in London the documentary film Mercy Mercy had its UK premier at The Ritzy in Brixton. Early this year I saw Mercy Mercy and hatched a plan to find a place for it in London and to sell it out. I achieved both aims. I’m even more proud of The Christmas Dinner and its Crowdfunder campaign – as shown in the column on the right. We’ve raised £4,000 in 6 days. If we raise the final £1,000 on Monday we’ll have reached our target in 1 week. The whole campaign has moved me.