Superman Was A Foundling

The_Foundling_Museum_LogoArtist Cornelia Parker  Sound recordist  Chris Watson and myself are  2014 fellows for Foundling Museum’s 10th Anniversary Year. Past fellows include Grayson Perry and Jeremy Deller.  The anniversary coincides with 250th  anniversary of the death of William Hogarth, whose donation of  paintings to the Hospital laid the foundations of the collection. My first work at Foundling Museum in cental London   is “Superman was a Foundling” and it launches at a private view on June 24th between 6 to 8pm.


In Superman Was A Foundling one question I  ask is why. Why don’t  we  see   fostered adopted or orphaned characters of  popular culture,  from  Romulus and Remus  to Harry Potter, and their connection to young people in care  who are also fostered adopted or orphaned?  Vice versa.   I will be speaking about this  at the launch. There’s only space for fifty. Come.





1 thought on “Superman Was A Foundling

  1. Just listening to Radio 4’s Word of Mouth and they are discussing the language we use about children in care. They were just discussing adoption and foundlings and mentioned “superman was a foundling”. This sounds amazing but not necessarily available to all to visit. Will this exhibition tour the country?

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