A Message from the Oxford Christmas Dinner Group.

Dear reader

The Oxford Christmas Dinner team are incredible and they’ve done some amazing work in making a brilliant Christmas Dinner last year.   I received this message in September and wish them all well for the future.

“Dear Lemn, 

We would like to let you know after much consideration, The Oxfordshire Christmas Dinner Steering Group have decided they are unable to commit the time needed to host a Christmas dinner in 2017.

The incredible network of volunteers and academic institutions that devoted their time and money to making the Oxfordshire Christmas Dinner 2016 the incredible event that it was, will continue to be an invaluable resource to draw upon whilst we plan and organise the 2018 Christmas dinner over the next 12 months. Where appropriate, we will also involve the young adults of Oxfordshire to help us shape the Christmas Dinner based on their own vision and needs.

The group feels that the current methodology needs to be reworked and simplified in order to ensure that the wellbeing of the volunteers is given the utmost priority. It was also agreed that by embedding a solid template over the next 12 months with regards to working practice and methodology, we will ensure that the Oxfordshire Christmas dinner is both sustainable and able to be fulfilled by new groups of volunteers.

One final note is that the Oxford Student Hubs have offered to provide the venue for free for a 2017 Christmas Dinner, should an appropriate group of volunteers come forward to host it. If interested, please email Lydia Hodgins.

Yours faithfully,

All from Oxfordshire Christmas Dinner Team.”


4 thoughts on “A Message from the Oxford Christmas Dinner Group.

  1. Hi
    I haven’t been involved before but if help is needed to get the Oxford Christmas Dinner to go ahead – can I help? We live in Oxfordshire and while I have limited free time, my 12 year old son has a long term illness which means he’s at home a lot with me and if there’s something we can do from home (wrap presents, send invitations? I don’t know what else is involved which would be practical) please get in touch and let me know.

  2. Ahh that’s sad Lemn and a bit oddly formal. I hope they can iron out whatever they were struggling with and refocus on the young people who need this day. Last years Oxford Christmas dinner looked like a beautiful thing. Here’s to more.

  3. Dear Lemn

    Sad to hear that Oxford CD2017 will not go ahead this year. Such a very special time captured in their viI have been part of the steering group in Hackney for the past three years and i am leading Hackney this year. Our team is very mixed in terms of background and life experiences. There are some who, like me, have been been on the steering group before, others are new.
    We have all read Lemn’s ” How to…” guide. At our first steering group meeting we all signed up to our underlying key principle of “respectful relationships” at all times. – Respecting ourselves, each other, the agencies with whom we work and the utmost respect always for our guests, the 50 young care leavers and their children.
    i am very happy to report that adhering to the “How To guide……..” and our very real commitment to Respectful relationships is working for us in Hackney this year. It is helping the magic to happen for us, the members of the HCD steering group and enables us to focus on making the magic happen for all involved especially our guests, our young care leavers and their children. Yes it is working. We are a group who have come together with a common aim and purpose. We respect and like each other, we take care and look out for each other on our journey together. The work gets done and we celebrate each others achievements along the way. we discuss areas of challenge and problem solve together . We are always solution focussed. We are a great team. We are Hackney Christmas Dinner 2017 steering group. We are forever grateful to you Lemn Sissay for your inspiration, your vision and your absolute belief in all of us. Gold from the Stone – it is . Pure gold.As you promised it could be. go raibh mile maith agat Lemn. With respect and best wishes your friend always Lisa
    Lisa Murphy HCD2017

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