You shall not go to the ball. Doh!

The journalist has an article in the national newspaper she works for and it highlights the event that she asked me for earlier the week. I call her and say “yes” I really want to go. It’s a black tie affair. The black national screen awards this following Monday. But it’s too late. On Tuesday of this week I said that I didn’t want to go. It must have been connected to the queens gala that I couldn’t go to either. She’d already asked someone else this morning. Nyaaaaaaggghhhhhhh. Read more [...]

All Writers Must be Heroically Alone.

I then scoot around the corner to SOHO to meet Henry Normal one of british television most successful independent television producers. We are discussing 24 hour party people? – the question mark is important. It’s an event of writers from Manchester that I am putting on at The South Bank on November 9th. Henry Normal is a poet, a millionaire poet at thatWe used to tour together – in less fiscally abundant days - with guitarist and now lead singer of a band called I am Kloot, Johnny Bramwell, then called Johnny Dangerously. They were special days which Henry remembers with pleasure. To now be sat with both the poet and film producer – he has made most of the hit Steve Coogan films – is a treat. Read more [...]

“It no mystery. We’re making History”

It’s The Queen Elizabeth Hall and every golden ticket is in the sweaty hands of an eager audience member. Precious thing. There’s crowds outside hoping, praying, for tickets. The foyer stage is alight with young poets and rappers of London giving it their all. There’s a crackle in the air. The foyer show ends in applause and the people rise up and wend their way into the QEH to the main event! In the sixties I guess they would call it a happening. Read more [...]