It's a beautiful morning for a festival. I'll be in Greenwich behind the Cutty Sark in the Mobile Library parked by The Whale in the grounds of The Naval College. How many times in my life will I say Read more [...]
The Greenwich whale will be open to public view on the lawns of the Royal Naval College where it will remain until 29 June as part of Greenwich Fair. Little known fact: since fourteenth century Read more [...]
Imagination and fact. One persons memory of an event is hardly ever the same as anothers. Who’s right? Is it through a moral framework that fact is seen as more real than imagination? Through a Read more [...]
INVISIBLE KISSES written by Lemn Sissay If there was ever one Whom when you were sleeping Would wipe your tears When in dreams you were weeping; Who would offer you time When others demand; Whose Read more [...]
Over Two and an half million people have seen my random acts over the past month. Below are the final two. The other three can be seen by clicking here. ARCHITECTURE SPEED Read more [...]
It’s surprising that anyone can expect anything of his or her perspective in someone else’s memoir. The clue is in the title. Memoir. When we look in the mirror we see an image but we never see Read more [...]