I get on my bike, leave home at 8.15am to arrive at The Southbank Centre at 9.15am. There’s a sky news interview this morning. A car picks me up at Belvedere Road and whisks me off to Millbank near to The Houses of Parlaiment, the Sky Studios. At around 11.20am I am being interviewed about the Madonna adoption. I begin by saying “I have compassion for a woman who has been through the adoption process and then denied a child…”. The interview ends because there’s breaking news on Obama.
I’ve been to the Millbank studios before for a bbc radio interview on The Today Programme with Jimmy Tarbuck of all people. A car awaits and drives me back to the
southbank. It’s 12 noon and a glorious day and the southbank centre is stretching its arms to London. At 1.30pm I meet Dominique Brewster, a photographer. She surprises me. She’s scouted the southbank and her shots are very good. She’ll be shooting me soon.
Come 3.30pm I meet Subathra to discuss our dance project with The Place. To start with we hope to grow our ideas as part of Choreodrome at The Place. Her dance form is Bharatnayam. The project centres on The Shiver which comes from the oldest part of the human being which relates to when we had hair, hence goosepimples – the Hypothalymus Gland.
At 5.45pm I get on my bike and skip over Waterloo Bridge to Bush House at the BBC and spend two hours in debate on The World Service. The first hour of World News transmitted to America and the second to Africa. I cycle through the night from Holborn to
Hackney and I’m home for 10pm.
Hi Lemm,
I hope alls well, I came to see your show at the Lyric sometime back in February and thought that I had to come and say Hi as you look and strangely even sound a bit like me, what’s the likelihood? Eritrean, Ethiopian, Northerner combo: Dare I say someone who knows the Hacienda, vinegar sodden chips served in newspaper which burn your eyes, and my all time favourite Frank Sidebottom- what was that about? I heard your programme the other day “Into the gap” and it prompted me to get in touch and say Hi. I guess certain characteristics within me are definitely Habisha, hence my procrastination in contacting you, anyway that’s my excuse and im sticking with it.
I do hope alls well
Hi Heiab. Thanks for getting in touch. Peace Lemn