Monday begins early at Shoreditch House with a TV producer and ended at an embassy to exchange ideas with an ambassador . Bought suite from START today. I'll pick it up later in week. Tuesday I spent at Southbank Centre in various meetings. In the evening in Notting Hill I dropped in to Island life to see Suzette Newman. Wednesday: I take eight children and four staff to experience Watch Me Move, the animation exhibition at Barbican Art gallery.
Thursday: 9.30am travel to Manchester to meet West Yorkshire Playhouse literary manager and director to discuss the final stages of my adaptation of Benjamin Zephaniah’s great Novel Refugee Boy. Afterwards I meet hacienda DJ, writer and good friend Dave Haslam. Meanwhile I am coordinating to buy shoes from Mr Hare’s sample sale in East London. The shoes are beautiful. I get back on the train to London arriving at about 9.30pm pick up my bike at Euston and cycle home and see my shoes at midnight! .
On Friday morning I pick up suite from Start but can not resist the sale. I have an hour or two. Then I travel to Southbank Centre where I I meet actor Lisa Dwan and we go to Concrete to celebrate Sarah Weir and the Olympic Team. Makes me proud to be an artist. That was Friday. On Saturday it’s my turn to get on stage. I'm at Stratford Royal Theatre at an event called Black Men On The Couch. It’s sold out. I am interviewed and it is filmed. On Sunday, that's today, my play Why I Don't Hate White People is broadcast on radio 3.
Things said this week: Edgio Newton who has a child by Gil Scott-Heron said to me “Gil had fantastic light but a phenomenal shadow”. Nick Serota in talking about artists and architects to a party said architects provide the canvas for artists and for peoples story. And Sarah Weir explained her mantra for her self and for anyone working in the arts with her “Know yourself, be yourself, look after yourself and most of all never give up”