Ethiopia’s greatest living Maitre Artiste Afewerk Tekle Passes away.

I woke at 3.30am GMT  this morning and began my day.  At noon I hear Afewerk tekle has passed away in Ethiopia. Picture taken at the showing of my film in Addis 19 days ago in Ethiopia.  Maitre Artiste Afewerk Tekle (left) ,  Poet and playwright  Ayelneh Mulatu  (centre) and  Lemn Sissay (right).  The day before we all  had dinner at Habesha 2,000 in Addis.  The video footage of this event was filmed by ETV and also by Samson Mulugeta. This picture taken by Samson Mulugeta.

6 thoughts on “Ethiopia’s greatest living Maitre Artiste Afewerk Tekle Passes away.

  1. this is so so sad an sudden… I met someone close to him only a month ago and no mention of an illness. I cant belive he looked so well less than 19 days ago.

    Lemen, by the way I am mekdes from Negat Radio, exactly a year ago you kindly were a panel on our radio show on mother tongue issues.

  2. He is my Inspiration, He is the reason to me for start painting and liveing with art. It is hard to say good by for someone who leed your life,what can i say ? I was crying @home today.RIP
    artist Brook yeshitila.

    • I waimmimmensely saddened to hear about the death of Maitre artist world Laureate Afeworke Tekle. A giant amongst Africa’s greatest artists and and a towering figure on the world stage. The only solace is the fact that he has left us with a huge legacy which will never be forgotten. His art and legend will live on and generations to come will share in taking pride that one such as this was born amonst us. May he rest in peace!

  3. Afeworke Tekle was one of ethiopia’s first generation of western trained Artists. Though he never forgot his roots. His unique blend of ethiopian / western style Art introduced an entire new genre to Ethiopian Culture and opened the eyes of many to new and expanding opportunities.He leaves a tremendous legacy thrrough which his vibrant and optimistic spirit shall live on. A gentleman in the truest sense of the word and a genial host. May he rest in peace in the presence of the Lord he served.

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