Lolliop and Laddu on my flight home

So I am on the plane returning  to england from Pakistan. I’m sat next to a charming woman and we  get along like a house on fire.  Turns out she runs Lollip and laddu who provide videography and photography services, using the latest in High Definition.  There is nothing like an example of the work to speak for itself.  Here is Lollipop and Laddu in action. It’s  a marriage party in Karachi. People outside of Pakistan and India may have there own fixed idea of what an arranged marriage is. Watch and learn.

3 thoughts on “Lolliop and Laddu on my flight home

  1. Lovely video, they all seem relaxed and the celebration feels Whole. Tis good, happy for them …. Alll marriages are to some extent “arranged” arn’t they? Such a lot of consideration/preperation, much that is pragmatic steers the course for a union that many hope will last prosper. However where there is a lack of freedom in choosing a partner, where coercion or even kidnap is involved then we can understand why people harbour doubts and fears about arranged marriages, particularly women.

    • I agree Rhiannon “All marriages are to some extent “arranged”‘. But there is a higher lifelong engagement between betrothed in the east than the west.

      • True, tis true…I understand the point you’re trying to get accross and the video conveys it well, that spirituality and sense of community (it takes more than two people for a marriage to succeed).

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