It’s One minute to Christmas Day 2014

photo(3) copy 6It’s Christmas Eve. Both the Manchester and London teams have packed the presents and designed the rooms and prepped the meals. Each dinner sits  65 care leavers.   Two dedicated teams of eight individuals have organized each dinner over three months. They began with nothing but their imagination and professional skills..


We have built this from the ground B5oBb2UCAAE714Eup.  It is  the community holding the care leaver in mind.    We are equally served in serving. This fact is important – crucial even. We are giving to ourselves when we give to others.

The Christmas Dinner is not a charity. It is not a lobbying group. We work to a creative rigorous approach to  detailed care and attention in each step of our goal.   We are not blindly optimistic. Our eyes are wide open.  We refuse to accept that we can not be flexible and yet rigorous. Any institution can take advantage of our open offer to accept young care leavers into the Christmas Dinner.

B5oxxvmIEAEmiEeThe teams I’ve brought together are social workers and artists. They are writers and theatre producers, they are self employed and unemployed. They are  government officials and professional actors.  They work for major national children’s charities and local schools. They work  in a personal capacity with  one goal – To create a Christmas Dinner for Care Leavers on Christmas Day.




Photo from top. 1. Lemn in Hackney  2. Manchester wrapping 3. Manchester team 4. London Decorations

2 thoughts on “It’s One minute to Christmas Day 2014

  1. Good on you Lemn!
    And to all those dedicating time and energy to the Christmas Dinner in Mancheser & London.
    What a beautiful gift you are giving.
    Thank you for reminding us of the possibility and reality of change, empowering self and others.
    Merry Christmas!
    All the best for 2015. x X x

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