Sakamoto – Cut to something beautiful

In September 2008 I embarked on a voyage to The Arctic with activist organisation Cape Farewell. It was  The Disko Bay Expedition. Over forty artists scientists and musicians were my shipmates. The motley crew included Jarvis Cocker, Laurie Anderson, Sophie Calle, Martha Wainwright and KT Tunstall.

One morning as the ship swept through a channel flanked by  translucent aqua-blue glaciers Jarvis Cocker nudged me and nodded.  Ryuichi Sakamoto  was sat in a corner playing his keyboard oblivious to us. Everyone fell silent as they realised what was happening.  It was Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence.  This was the best moment of the expedition. His music painted the moment into reality.

Art is the master of ceremonies.  I need to remind myself of what happened. Whatever negative mood I am  in and whatever has brought me to that befuddled state of mind,  however big that story is,  I  can always Sakamoto – Cut to something beautiful. We all can.




6 thoughts on “Sakamoto – Cut to something beautiful

      • I’m not sure if you know the details of the demolition of Oatlands .it’s really hard not to feel for all the boys went through makes my skin crall. It’s was totally different when I was there and we did hear story’s we always thought it was older kids trying to scare you..I’ll have to read your books

  1. I am overwhelmed with the strength and beauty of your memoir. At the dawning of your awareness that your were a poet. No matter the deprivation and despair, your words, and understanding of their power saved you. I feel very connected to that. I founded a charity in Toronto Ontario Canada to bring the power of authentic voice, a touch of the poetry within, to those unheard, to those who experience despair and isolation. We believe everyone is a writer. We have touched and transformed many lives through the power of words. I just wanted you to know how you touched me. The truth of your writing. Thank you.

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