Consider. You can drive up a drive you can walk up a walk but you can’t street up a street. Discuss. Driving in London can drive me nuts. But then driving me nuts (my nuts?) is enough to drive me nuts. It’s not an image to hang on. I pleaded with the Southbank centre’s car park attendant to pay him more money but he wasn’t having any of it. He said my mortgage was enough payment for parking. Nice man.
I meet with The Director of two of my plays who is now The Artistic Director of The National Theatre of Wales, John McGrath and my project manager the exec producer of Artsadmin Gill Lloyd who’s a originally from Wales. I start to feel intimidated and insist on both of them addressing me as Doctor Sissay now that I am a doctor.. They refuse. After a two hour meeting we part. I stay behind in the office to arrange the wall with projects in 2010. After a good four hours alone working there on organisation I leave. Above the door of the office are my words:
I just googled it and no one’s done it. It’s a great name for a club night. I give the parking attendant my mortgage and race over to the Lillian Bayliss Studio at Saddlers Wells Theatre to see the Riz Ahmed’s work in progress, Microscope . Riz Ahmed (Riz MC) is an artist who stands alone amongst his peers, an
original and in that sense not unlike Nitin Sawhney himself. He has similar integrity. Riz explores truth, says the unsaid in ways that startle and excite: in ways unimagined with the eye of a true artist. I went alone but knew so many people in the audience it was like being at home. Theatre is home. The
Theatre/Dance/Music piece is a work in progress and thoroughly enjoyable. I feel honoured to see it at its early stages. Geddit. Early STAGES. Theatre. Stage. . Stagey Stagey Stage. Ahem. I’ll get me quote. I’ll get me coat.
Sounds exciting, complex and challenging as is the human race – And you put it so well into your own words. You go Cocoa Butter! Like a good lathering for the brain….food for thought, that is.