INTERNAL FLIGHT. BBC TV Documentary on Lemn Sissay

23 thoughts on “INTERNAL FLIGHT. BBC TV Documentary on Lemn Sissay

  1. Lemn, following long, arduous, tortuous searches you have achieved what you strove for. Well done. Please complete the story with a post discovery sequel on the rest of your very large family and heritage.

  2. I didn’t know this existed when I asked you to make a movie or write a book on the TED talk posting. So now you really don’t have another choice but to write a book.
    I loved both the documentary and the TED talk. You have a gift with words. I am very impressed and proud of what I have seen so far. “Anger is an expression in the search for love”….that was beautiful and so accurate.

    I wonder… are you religious? And if … so HOW? I have my self derived definition of what evil is. For me the highest level of evil is injustice to a child. That is why I am not too impressed with Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his child for God. I refused to admire that or the God that needs that level of cruelty as a gesture of devotion. But that’s me. Please share yours.
    I found this as I was researching something and wanted to share with you….
    Darkness associated with sin
    Many LDS church documents and church leaders asserted that dark skin was an indication of sin or a curse. One belief held by some LDS members was that skin color of Native Americans would gradually change from dark to light as they repented of their sins.

    Thank you for sharing your story Lemn.

  3. Hi there …! what great story u have shared my dears …! i have been crying seeing what went in ur life trying to find ur family, I’m proud of my dear….! it’s made me cray same time happy because i have gone through same situation finding my mother and sister with little information…this is a rewarding documentary it’s very nice of u to share such a story….! I’m proud of u…..there is no place like home and family….!

  4. Amazing.. such an eye opener. A fellow Brit and habesha. As a christian it saddens me about empty religion. God forbid,may I walk worthy of Him. A truly talented brother,may you flourish in all you do.

  5. A beautiful story – and unbelievable that you managed to come through the system with your integrity intact! May the roads rise up to meet you….. and be filled with love and success for you, your newly found family and all the kids now in care. Happy Christmas…..

  6. Pingback: Lemn Sissay: Poet, Playwright, Ethiopian Adoptee, Care Leaver, Humanitarian | Ethiopian Adoption Connection

  7. Pingback: Wood End Assessment Centre: Wigan's secret imprisonment of children - Lemn SissayLemn Sissay

  8. Pretty gut wrenching ..Esp those iron age red buttons .Dont think it got to see them though .All going off at once one night .Along time to watch this.Would of seen it when it was out would of reported it in the 90s .was to busy enjoying the 90s .And not tv , until falling on hard times .Along time after this was made .

  9. Your spirit must be very strong one for you to have achieved so much against odds that most others would crumble under. Loved your choice of music on Desert Island discs today. “Hope” is the heaviest burden a man can carry, but you carry it with dignity. I salute you. Diana

  10. Wishing you a great fulfillment in life. Strength is what I see in you and the power of faith. You are extremely good from your deepest core, nothing could have wiped that out. You are a great man. Needless to say an outstanding poet.

  11. Lemn, Hello. I met you in Borris, at the Writers Festival, Ireland. My daughter is Ethiopian, living here in Ireland.
    It was a pleasure. Paulette

  12. I too was a child born out of an illicit love affair. I too was abandoned by my adoptive parents, not in the same way as you, but abandoned nonetheless. The question lingers: was it my fault? After 57 years I had given up on finding my birth family, and by pure serendipity a clue found its way to my hand. I too have met my mother who made the only right decision to give me up for adoption. I connected with my father’s side only three weeks too late. And, like you, I have sisters who have welcomed me with open arms.

    It seems to me that all creatures are born with a calculated chance of survival. Some wolves are born into a remote territory lush with food and fave few challenges from marauding packs. And some are born near ranchers wielding cruel traps and rifles. Are we so different from the wolves?

  13. Hello Lemn Sissay.I heard your voice through radio station in my car coming from fourth of July celebration. At first what a powerful voice! I thought then you said “Superman was adopted Cinderella was adopted”. My fascination continued especially when you said your mom came from Ethiopia. I did not know what to say after that all I could think was the thousands of children that gets adopted from Ethiopia every year. The next day I googled your name and spend almost all day listening to your interviews,speeches and poems. I mast say I’m speechless and so proud at the same time. Keep up the good work what a wonderful human.

  14. Hi Lemn,
    I was in Woodend in 78 and it was not a nice place to be in a lad in my dorm had both his wrists bandaged because of escape attempts, we were made to play football in over a foot of snow there were some horrible staff there (obvs cant mention names but youll know who they were) im a scouser so my card was marked from day one mate do i know where you come from.

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