A Time Lapse Film of my New Installation “Superman Was A Foundling”

This is  “Superman was a Foundling”. It’s  a  stop motion film of my new installation  at The Foundling Museum in central London. With thanks to Charlotte Jonsmyr. and graphic designer Phillip Miles.

Furthermore here is a bonus iphone video of my impromptu speech at the launch.

12 thoughts on “A Time Lapse Film of my New Installation “Superman Was A Foundling”

  1. My niece came to live with me after being placed in foster care for six months. That’s how long it took for the state to release her into my care. When she arrived she was changed, different. It was two years after leaving the “system” she told me of the horrid things she had endured.
    After seeing your TED talk, I had a visceral reaction. I was moved to tears. THANK YOU for speaking for the hidden population of aged out children of foster care.

    • Thankyou. There must be millions of us because in any year there is a shifting tide of eighty thousand of us. Thanks.

  2. Hi lemn i to was brought up in children’s homes from the age of 3 and was unable to get my file still finding things out about myself love your work a true super hero

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