Something Dark at The Orange Tree.



The first week of 2017 started in Addis and was announced by The Ethiopian Herald.   I arrived in London on 3rd January to a  gorgeous feature in  The February issue of Red Magazine. On 7th I presented pick  of the week  on BBC Radio 4 and on 11th January I delivered the first lecture at University of Huddersfield.

I left for Ethiopia on Boxing Day  cause the previous year I fell into quicksand after all the activity of The Christmas Dinner events: I didn’t want that to happen again.   I’m a year without a drink. It’s funny to hear people talk about dry January. Dry is not the word I’d use. Free is the word I’d use.

On January 29th I’ll be reading the full text of SOMETHING DARK at The Orange Tree11990386_116907211995340_1674091849848098653_n Theatre in Richmond. It is a full reading of my play.  The play has travelled the world.  It is the real and true experience of a child in care in search of family and I am extremely proud of it. Come and spend the night with me.  Above all things I want you to see this.

Meanwhile president elect Donald Trump charges his steamroller towards the Whitehouse while Obama packs away his things. Michelle  is revving the Ferrari  in the backyard.  One last touch:  Sasha,  their daughter,  has replaced all  Whitehouse toilet paper with one she ordered online.  Each sheet has Trump’s face on it.  “One last touch” indeedy. And Prime Minister Theresa May stares blankly  through  the back window. A Lemming stares back thinking it is looking in a mirror.

19 thoughts on “Something Dark at The Orange Tree.

  1. Hi there Lemn

    I love the title ‘Something Dark at The
    Orange Tree’…

    And I’m thrilled for you
    Not Drinking For A Year
    Onward and Upward Our Kid..

  2. A year without a drink. I am not surprised. A child who went through a lot of hardship, misery and loneliness. A boy who decides to translate his meaning of existence to show humanity how forgiveness, kindness and internal beauty can heal and transform,. Why am I not surprised? You are one of a kind.

  3. Hi Lemn

    where can I get the Trump bog paper?!

    I’m happy only drinking modestly for special occasions.
    From Newcastle (where drinking to excess is a local sport)

    Happy New Year

  4. ” I am a year with out a drink”. Why am I not surprised? A child who went through so much hardship, misery and infinite loneliness. A boy who showed the world that forgiveness is the key to overcoming obstacle, a man who is inspired by his past journey to become a better human being. Why am I not surprised? Lemn you are one of a kind!!

  5. Hi Lemn,
    I am proud of you for not drinking for a year. I WISH you a wonderful year with all your dreams come true. ❤

  6. Yesterday morning I asked myself ‘Am I tired or uninspired?’ and I let the words stare at me from a post it note on my computer. I like to think that somehow they led me to your work and your striving to ‘inspire and be inspired’ As I sit at my desk in the maze of cubicles, drowning in the cacophony of call center noise, It is both inspiring and comforting to know that thoughtful, colorful people such as you exist in the world. So thank you for being you and doing what you do. 🙂

  7. Lemn
    Your story at orange tree was incredible. The writing and acting has been your salve no? Of some sort.

    I have adopted a wee boy myself and made me think deeply about it!

    Also am a literature graduate and stories are our family glue. And a photographer.

    So thanks for the inspiration. I went to the performance where someone asked to marry you!


    • Yes I remember it and I loved it and thanks for your message. I don’t normally do read throughs. I should. There was something special about that event.

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