Maggie Lloyd Jones was a solicitor working in child protection/safeguarding for 30 years before retiring in Leeds in 2015. Maggie supported The Leeds Christmas Dinners in a variety of ways but in 2018 she had an idea. She explains “you said that when you were 12 and were placed in childrens homes no one hugged you and a hug is all you wanted. I had a Eureka moment. So I set up two facebook pages. One is an open page called Quilts for Christmas Dinners
and a closed group which you can request to join called Quilts for Care Leavers.”
Through her facebook pages Maggie’s clarion call for quilters spread throughout the country. There are now 458 members in the closed facebook group. They are a mixed bunch of old and young; lawyers and social workers, foster carers and care leavers; siblings or other family members from the generous quilting fraternity. I’ve been told that this project has given some of them a renewed interest in quilting,.
All the quilts came to Maggies living room: over 120 of them last Christmas. 50 were collected by Liz Fossu for Leeds Christmas Dinner, and a special one for one of the Leeds volunteer who was himself a care leaver and now a social worker. Barnsley Christmas Dinner received 17 and Manchester received 50. At Maggies request, all of the quilts were displayed, unwrapped, for the diners to choose. She wasn’t sure that they would want one anyway. They were a total hit.
The quilts all came with notes from the makers and each one of them is one hundred percent unique.
One care leaver said that “a quilt is the best form of support I can have, because even tho’ the LA (Local Authority) support is good and yes, they could do with more…..a quilt is there 24/7”
Maggie says “Be proud: this project is a seed fallen from the dinners. Not only that, but I am aware of at least 2 more potential Christmas Dinners coming from people who are involved in this project.” We are aiming for 1000 quilts this year.
Maggie Lloyd Jones continues enthusiastically “I know that some folk were making quilts on Boxing Day. I’ve just started asking how may quilts we have either completed or unfinished at this point: we can cover 4 dinners so far, that’s two hundred quilts . Now we are looking to become a charity. The charity will be Q4CL – Quilts for care leavers.”
The quilter Elaine Mullen says “who better to receive the gift of a quilt than a young person setting of into the world often alone. A quilt is there when you’re cold, Ill or just need comfort. It covers you it warms you, it cushions you it’s just a hug when you need it.”
Another quilter Lynda Payne said “When I first became aware of Maggie Lloyd-Jones initiative, it struck a chord and if I can help in some small way to make a young person feel loved and hugged then it is immensely rewarding.”
This is so beautiful. It made me cry. A dear friend of mine made one of my boys a quilt on his birth. It’s still treasured now. I’m sorry you lost yours. Thank you for sharing this. Just lovely Lemn.
Thanks Audrey.
Ahhhh…she gave you that so you would always feel her love and feel held…how beautiful. I imagine you felt heartbroken to have lost your Gabi, but wonderful that you know the sentiment of it.
Big love to Maggie and the quilters. X
I didn’t feel heartbroken becasue I didn’t know what it meant. Only now do I lament its loss along with the loss of something between us.
Ok, I can only try to imagine…such a huge loss.
The journey back is as profound as the loss.
Well you’re one helluva man! X
Thanks. I will put that in my compliment bank for a rainy day.
Thanks for taking the time to reply
Happy and surprised to see my quilt featured. A wonderful project to be involved with. I was lucky to come from a family that was big, loud and loving. Knowing the importance of a simple hug I was so pleased to find Maggie and her fellow quilters. Thanks to you too Lemn, you are an inspiration.
Big loud and loving – love it!
Wow, what a fantastic idea. I worked with children in care for most of my working life and know how much they will be appreciated by the young people, especially as each one is unique just like them. I often came across care leavers who had their personal information, photos and other ‘treasures,’ stored in old shoe boxes or something similar, and wondered if these kind people might also consider making quilted bags of some kind, for young people to keep items that are important to them safe. Just a thought.
You could always ask them
I did ask them Lemn, and had a very positive conversation with a lovely lady….. don’t know if it was Maggie. I have leukaemia at present so am limited in how I can help practically, but we came up with a good solution and I am looking forward to getting involved.
Thnakyou Pat. I tink it was Maggie Lloyd Jones. She is the dedicated founder of the project,
What a great idea achieved ! So impressed.
It rally is.
I think this is completely fabulous and very moving. I would like to help but my manual dexterity is absolutely rubbish so I can’t sew anything tidily however, I can cut material up, make tea and coffee, collect and deliver. I am Manchester based but I am away for work (children’s social care) half of my life. If there is anything I can do to support that doesn’t rely on regular weekly input and doesn’t need fine motor skills, please let me know.
Thanks Kate. hve a look on their facebook page and suggest it there
Will do, and thank you Lemn for taking the time to reply
Such a beautiful thing to do. I think everyone should adopt the Gabi tradition.
Thank you for sharing another amazing way of giving xxx
True innit Raheela. Are you doing Badford this year?
Fantastic blog…I was on that weekend treat and it was an honour to be with so many likeminded quilters.
Thanks Lyn
Perhaps we can persuade you to join one of the Sew Days planned to support the Project .. even help you to quilt yourself Lemn. xx
Thanks… I think I am best helping organise the christmas dinners.
What a wonderful initiative! I was gifted a quilt by my aunt just before I left Australia as a 17 year old for a year as an exchange student in Norway. That quilt was such an enormous comfort. It was ‘home’ to me and I treasured it. It’s ten years since I made a quilt, but this blog post has inspired me. Thanks, Lemn.
Wonderful stuff Jodie.
brilliant to no people still care keep up the good work
yes it is
I am a total supporter of this project. I am a more than “mature” quilter. In the 1950’s instead of being put into care from the Children’s home in Kensington where I was born, I was adopted out of it. Over the years I have made lots of sewn and embroidered things for both my adoptive parents, but the ones that give me the greatest comfort now, having lost both of them, are the quilts I made my late Daddy when I was his full time carer, his snugglies, which he adored. I still get his hug from still using them now.
beautiful Teresa thankyou for sharing.
I love this idea. I have heard of quotes made for children who are in hospital and then this for people leaving care to go into the bigger world. I know many people within the mental health system who would cherish A quilt. People who are very lonely and people who feel very unloved. Also it would be a great thing for people who have gone through horrendous trauma. People recovering from addiction, recovering alcoholics Or drug addicts. Do you know any initiatives for quotes for them?
I’d like to donate two quilts/blankets. One, I’m afraid, is smaller than the size you’ve requested. It is 44 x 44 inches. The 2nd would be a crocheted blanket, made up of ‘Granny squares’. Are these of use to you?
Find the quilt makers and start there. Thankyou so much .
Please tell me where to mail a quilt for donation to either cause.
I understand the connection. a quilt can make. I sleep under one of many quilts my mum made. It is so special
Where do you want them sent this year? I am not on Facebook so have no up to date news. I sent one last year. Michele
I don’t know. Contact the quilt people. They are independant.
Looka what you started Lemn – youre such a bright star on this planet. I’ve never made a quilt before but I would love to give it a go for next year so will join the Facebook group and hopefully get some advice on how to go about it.
Saw you in Durham earlier this year – I’m the one that shouted “Yo Lemn” to you as you were walking into the theatre!! (Don’t expect you to remember but your response to me was so lovely, warm and friendly and genuine and it made my day!)
Thanks Julie
Hello Lemn and Maggie
I saw you on BBC breakfast this morning, Lemn and you talked about this amazing collective. I am so excited to get involved. I was adopted as a baby and really hit the jackpot with my wonderful mum and dad.
I have always wanted to give back and this is it!
I can sew and do feel passionate about the care system so thank you, Lemn for introducing me to this quilting world!
Thanks Emma.
This is such a beautiful initiative. I’ve just been told about it on a quilting page.
I’m a beginner and have put my name down to make a quilt to donate. It’ll take me a while but there will be love in every stitch.
My husband used to teach 16 to 25 year old “HELP” Project members practical cooking skills, that was over 10 years ago and there’s not one of those young people who would pass him in the street, even now. You’re a great advocate for exceptionally vulnerable young people.
Thank you Laura.