Eighteen Hours of Tell Me Something.

Hello.  It’s Eighteen hours since I announced my new site with the following message:  “I invite you to contribute to my new project  “tell me something about family” via a specially created website. Light up the interactive map with a story, phrase or saying about your family.  Once you have done it your light will appear on the map.”In  less than twenty four hours there are entries from America, Canada, Ethiopia, Chad, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, South Africa, Barbados, Italy, Holland, Germany, Hungary, Spain Greece, Kuwait…

Zoom in to any part of the world map to see more …..
Click on a light and look what appears.

The writer and artist Bryony Kimmings put this message on twitter. It’d make a perfect entry.

Will  you to take part  and Tell Me Something about family  .  It is an original (and personal)  idea from myself produced by Brighton Festival. The site is designed by  Baxter and Bailey..

4 thoughts on “Eighteen Hours of Tell Me Something.

  1. I was brought up in the 1950s. The war was still fresh in the British psyche. My mother worked at Bury Boot and Shoe. This was good news, as I got to wear new shoes – only the cheapest ones that weren’t current. So in summer I went to school in fur-lined zip-up boots and in winter I had to wear sandals. I know that if she had worked in the Army & Navy store I would have had to go to school dressed as a Japanese General.
    I did have holidays. My grandad took me to the Blenheim Mount Hotel in Blackpool every year. They had a gong which was banged before every meal – breakfast, lunch and dinner (or tea as we called it). When I hear any gong now on TV I still salivate. Pavlov’s dog has nothing on me.

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