My father in Italy (above) and on left celebrating 24 years of Ethiopian Airlines in Addis Ababa. And below: "The first accident in the airlines 26 year history of schedule flights took the Read more [...]
"Allen Carr was an accountant who smoked 100 cigarettes a day until he discovered EASYWAY and went on to write a series of bestselling books, most famously The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. Now, over 13 million Read more [...]
Here is everything you need know about the most moving project I have been a part of throughout lockdown. I'd say it's the most inspirational and moving project of this century. I know. Superlatives. Read more [...]
Out of the blue I received this message: “My name is David Vintiner and I am photographer based in London. I am about to start a new body of work exploring connection. Over the last few months Read more [...]
Listen to the waves before reading this blog. It's 4am. I am juxtaposed on the edge of a moonless night dangling my feet in the sea. Listen.....
Thank you for all your kind and heartfelt messages Read more [...]
As a born traveller you might think I. feel caged in by the pandemic. Far from it. I am zooming like a bad boy and if there is one thing I have learned from lense-life it's that I need to get Read more [...]
I stopped my morning messages as the pandemic started. I started them again a few days ago. I need the exercise. I need the contact. I need the FUN and the daily risk of making something up and putting Read more [...]
We have been reading books throughout lockdown. “The longlist, or ‘The Booker Dozen’, for The 2020 Booker Prize was announced on, Tuesday 28 July 2020. This year’s longlist of 13 books was Read more [...]
2021 will be the twentieth year since work began on The Grand Ethiopian Rennaisance Dam (GERD). and the world needs to know what’s happening because water is vital to Ethiopians. In April this year, Read more [...]
News just in from Bookseller: My name Is Why is on the Gordon Burn Prize Longlist.
Wherever you are in the world please come to the online event. on Saturday 20th I will be at Emirates Literature Read more [...]